• Exercise makes for much better weight loss after bariatric surgery

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Bariatric surgery results in fast, significant and long-lasting weight loss. It is associated with the improvement or resolution of many conditions caused by obesity, such as diabetes, sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, or polycystic ovary disease.

It is almost never too late to benefit from weight loss surgery.

Weight loss surgery can transform your life….

Sleeve gastrectomy

This is the most common weight loss procedure in the United States and most parts of the world - and for good reasons. It is technically simpler and associated with the lowest risk of complications. The procedure is done using minimally invasive surgical techniques. The average patient can expect to lose between 60 to 65% of excess weight and have improvement or resolution of many obesity-associated medical conditions. Learn more in the information presentation.

Sleeve gastrectomy is an option for weight loss surgery

New banana shaped stomach

Portion of stomach removed

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

The gastric bypass is one of the longest and best established bariatric procedures. It has a well deserved reputation as reliable and durable procedure that is particularly suited for those whose obesity is complicated by acid reflux and diabetes. One can expect to lose between 70 to 75% of excess weight. Acid reflux can be expected to resolve immediately after surgery while improvement in diabetes will be noticeable within days. The procedure is done using minimally invasive surgical techniques. To learn more, visit the presentation.

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is an option for bariatric surgery

Small stomach pouch

Bypassed stomach and intestine

Roux limb

Loop Duodenal Switch

The loop duodenal switch, variously also called loop DS, SIPS, or SADI-S, is an improvement on the classical duodenal switch and has been performed for close to 15 years. It is a very powerful weight loss and metabolic procedure. Patients can expect to lose over 80% of their excess weight and can be of great help in poorly controlled diabetes. The procedure is done using minimally invasive surgical techniques.

It has some advantages over the gastric bypass: because the pyloric valve is preserved, there is usually no issue with dumping symptoms; furthermore, the loop DS is a more robust procedure that can withstand the effect of smoking and the use of anti-inflammatory medications. It does however require more mineral and vitamin supplementation. To learn more, visit the presentation.

The loop duodenal switch is an option for bariatric surgery

Lifestyle changes: The core of it all

Effective and long lasting weight loss is like a bar stool with 3 legs: one for surgery, one for good diet and one for exercise. All three have to be solid for effective and durable weight loss. Ignoring diet or exercise would be similar to sitting on a stool with one good leg (surgery) and two shaky legs - diet and exercise.

We spend a few months before surgery working on improving a patient’s lifestyle, recognizing that this is the secret sauce to looking and feeling great after weight loss surgery. To learn more, visit the presentation.

Great weight loss requires surgery to be  supported by great diet and exercise.