Learn about weight loss surgery

These educational briefs are written by specialists and experts in the field who work at world-class institutions. Gathering as much information as you can will allow you to make better decisions in conjunction with your surgeon.

  • Illustration comparing gastric bypass and weight loss surgery procedures with questions for patients considering surgery, such as diabetes, desired weight, risk level, medication needs, smoking, alcohol, and liver health.

    Weight loss surgery

    Prepare yourself for weight loss surgery and for the life after. These blogs may provide better understanding of what to expect.

  • Diet after weight loss surgery

    Diet for weight loss

    Learn about the dietary changes before and after weight loss surgery.

  • Lose skin after weight loss surgery

    Skin changes

    Lose skin need not be as bad as you fear. Learn about how to deal with these issues as you reap the benefits of weight loss surgery.

  • Exercise makes for much better weight loss after bariatric surgery

    Benefits of weight loss surgery

    Learn about the amazing benefits of weight loss surgery…